Day 65 – Happy 4th

Happy Independence Day!

The plan took a little curve today … but a healthy one. It is the 4th of July, after all. Anyone remember the movie “Holiday Inn,” and the great production number they did about Independence Day?! SO delightful, and I sing bits and pieces of it to myself, all during the day of the 4th.

Anyway, back to the diet … and today. Great workout at the pool today. There was absolutely no traffic, the pool attendance was light, and I was just comfy in the water. I really like that feeling.

Started the day with lemon water that I forgot to drink. 🙁  But apple slices made up for it. Did a bit of Safeway walking after the pool and picked up a few things including a hard-boiled egg, which I ate on the way home. Salad and protein for lunch. Then we enjoyed a fun “finger food” dinner for the 4th – chicken wings, apples, brie, raw veggies, bread. All quite yummy, and enjoyed on our newly decorated terrace (we now have comfortable seating for 6!).  I may go ahead and have a bit of frozen yogurt for dessert.

I haven’t gotten enough steps in today, however. I think I’m going to top out at 2500. We’re waiting for dark and the fireworks along the front range. It’s really fun to watch all of them from our terrace.

All-in-all, a good day.