Day 69 – I’ve Lost Track

My blogging skills have taken a step back apparently. I’m losing track of days of the week and even how many days I’ve been on the plan … I think the fault is being retired (or it’s just age) 😉

I’ve had an odd few days, I must admit. Unintentionally, my weight loss blog has included a fair amount of “pain” blogging. That’s a natural outgrowth of dealing with the presence of chronic pain in conjunction with dieting. And for whatever reason, I am having new and more menacing aches and twinges, which is a complete nuisance. I get too easily disheartened with the ever-present pain. It interrupts everything, including my health plan … I don’t like it!

Anyway, two days at the pool were two days of added pain this week. NOT what I look forward to from the pool. The pool is my happy place – pain free in the pool is the rule! And I’m not sure why it’s happening. Again, not what I want in my day – unexplained pains that don’t go away! I suppose this means a trip to the doctor in the near future. My original plan was to lose a bit more weight before I get re-evaluated. But I may not have a choice. I’m maintaining my 2/1 pool plan – two days on, one day off – which means I get at least one good night of sleep in three. It also means my days off change, switching things up a bit.

This past week, some friends and family pointed out to me that maybe I’m obsessing about diet. You have to know there is some level of obsessing required in order to stay on course. But the whole idea of blogging was so I wouldn’t obsess the rest of the time. We all know I’m a planner … so a NEW plan … the urge to purge (in words, of course) will be confined to my blog, and my home (sorry Carol), and sometimes the pool (sorry Alison). The rest of the time, I will happily talk about all the other things in my not-so-interesting life!

Other news: my step average has increased to the point that I got well over 3000 steps each day the past week (yay). Yesterday, I hit 3000 by noon! And good to note – I actually feel like I’m walking better. I do still have the issues of my right leg not working as it should, but I’m able to amble around the house, and even at the store, with much greater ease (yay#2). And speaking of feelings, I actually “feel” thinner. Does that sound silly? It will be interesting to weigh on Monday, but I’ve noticed some small but fun changes that hopefully also signify pounds off. For example, my clothes are getting baggier – some seriously loose. I’m going to make them last as long as possible, but it’s still nice to note! And I went one notch tighter on my Fitbit band this week.

And finally, today has been a perfect day … diet-wise. Ate exactly as prescribed, and enjoyed all of it. Ate all meals at the table. Managed to stretch the time at dinner to 30 minutes (a new achievement). Remembered all vitamins and supplements. And I’m well over my suggested water intake. Go me!

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