Day 51 – Am I Eating Healthy?

When I began my weight loss journey and started to track my food, I was totally shocked at the amount of calories I was eating. The first day I entered over 3000 calories. I could not believe it. Honestly I thought I was being pretty careful and eating reasonably healthy. I wasn’t eating much fast food or fatty snacks. But the fact is, I was eating too much, period. Excess food, plus my lack of exercise were probably the reasons I gained so much in the first place.

Over the years, I fell into the “diet food” trap with some regularity. When I would get motivated to lose weight I’d try some “plan” or other. First it was Metafast (which made me flush and constantly sick to my stomach); then I was on to Nutrisystem (again, major stomach issues and facial flushing). I went to DietCenter, but couldn’t stick with it and hated the “group” approach. I’d sometimes stock my freezer with lean cuisines and weight watchers frozen meals, and anything else I thought might be healthy. Can’t imagine how much money I’ve spent, gaining and losing the same 50 pounds!

What I found in all these attempts was food that did not satisfy me or fill me up. Which, of course, led to snacking and weight gain. It was a vicious cycle. Because of my mobility limitations and girth, I’ve avoided going anywhere I might be embarrassed or uncomfortable. I’ve had to cancel trips to visit family because of my flagging health, pain level, and lack of mobility. I’ve skipped important events for those same reasons. And I’ve shed countless tears, felt sad and frustrated … but I didn’t change. It wasn’t until I had a real awakening about my health and the quality of my life, that I knew a very real life change was in order.

There’s More . . .