Day 34 – and 33 and 32

Log: Day 34

Sorry … I missed a couple of days. I had a little slump in blogging motivation, or maybe just a little slump, in general. Sometimes all that I would say in a day is about how I’m feeling … and that can get a little tiring for both you and for me. But, truth be told, when you’re “all in” on a diet plan, obsessing about it is necessary and sometimes a little depressing. So … what about the last three days? Guilt. I strayed a bit. When I started blogging, I didn’t realize how hard it would be to admit the failings. In my very first post I said I’d put it all out there – the good and the bad. Even so, I’d rather be saying how I’m happily complying with all aspects of the plan. This wasn’t the “I’m giving up” kind of stray, but a side-step for sure. Burrito for dinner (a no-no). Chips (really, a no-no). And yes (the big no-no) orios. Plus I didn’t go to the pool (see below). Whew, got that out of my system.

What’s the good news? Yes, there is some. This hasn’t stopped my desire to press on, move forward, get back on track. I woke up this morning ready to start anew. I meant to post my weight loss chart on the 1st. So here it is:

It’s a nice motivator to see that. And I sure don’t want to see the line turn back up. Horizontal may be tolerable, briefly, but no reverse in direction! The fact is, however, that dips may happen. I resisted getting on the scale this morning, and I have to be careful not to be too hard on myself. I think that’s a bit of what I’m feeling today: guilty and disappointed.

About the pool … as you know, I really like being in the pool! I’ve often said if there were a snack bar and a television, I’d live there. I’m relieved of all the pressure my weight places on my body, so it feels good. I do occasionally have pain, but not the kind I have on land. And I have a pretty good 90-minute workout. However, Thursday I had a lot of pain throughout the workout and when I go out of the pool. These days I’m also having trouble falling asleep at night. As I’m aging, I seem to need more sleep than ever. I’ve had serious insomnia during my life, so this is a new twist. Anyway, when I go to the pool tired, and come out tired, my pain level is higher. Not sure what the correlation is there, but Friday I knew I just had to sleep in. I already go to bed really early, so I don’t think I can skew my body clock any more. I used to come home and nap every day, maybe I need to start doing that again?

Menus … I’m back on the rotation. Today is menu 3. This is one of my very favorite days. Every single thing on this menu is something I like to eat. Yay.

Menu Day 3