Day 39 – Tips and More Tips

Diet Log: Day 39

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve started some fitness program or other … and then quit. I suppose many people do. Sometimes, I got bored with it, and other times I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere. Then I fell. Now I find myself in the unique situation – that is, unique to me – of trying to lose weight and get healthy while dealing with chronic pain and body parts that don’t always work!

I was reading on an MD website (surprise) that there are a number of ways to stay motivated, and they gave yet another list of “25 tips for Weight Loss.” Well, at this point, I think I can pick and choose. What do I need? What can I ignore?

#1 is nearly always ‘goal setting.’ If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’ve set my goals! Simply, short-term goals – 2 lbs/week, to the long-range goal 117 lbs – which I believe are both realistic and achievable.

But this list had one I hadn’t read before … make it fun. Nice idea. They suggested finding activities or sports that you enjoy, then vary the routine. This is easier said than done in my case. I can’t really go play softball or take ballroom dancing. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week. But also suggests incorporating strength-training into the fitness routine. I definitely get 150 minutes each week, but strength-training is something I’m definitely not doing. But I turn to the pool for exercise and stretching (and some camaraderie).

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