Day 59 – Tired and Hungry

All day meetings make me want to munch! Seriously! Ah well … not on the agenda. It was a very long day of sitting and being talked at, which is more exhausting than getting exercise.

It’s day 2 of travel, and it was a little weird today, too. I was really great until evening. I had eggs and fruit for breakfast; salmon and salad for lunch; and then pot-stickers, veggies, and crusty bread with fruit and almonds for dinner. I know, I know … THAT’s not on the plan! Oh, and I had a mid-afternoon cookie. 🙁 I’m heeding my sister’s advice. Since it’s already in, and I’m not a purger … I made the best choices I could today. Had a bit of a failing this evening … and I’ll do better tomorrow!

Just a side note: Speaking of tomorrow … the delegates to NAfME National Assembly (music education leadership) head to the hill to speak with their congressmen. Normally we assemble on the steps of the capitol for the National Anthem and photo ops before we begin the day. That has to be moved this year … too many demonstrators and concern over safety. Everyone is bummed. I think it will be a very different visit to Capitol Hill this year.

Back to the ever-present issue at hand. Sitting for 8+ hours about killed me. I’ve only gotten in 2300 steps … so I’m going to take a little saunter down to the lobby and through the meeting room areas to get some more steps in before I collapse. More tomorrow …

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