Day 50 – Being Prepared

Diet Log: Day 50

Funny news about my post-it-note (at right) – apparently my math brain has forgotten subtraction … or it was just wishful thinking. Last week I just left out a one – who cares about that? Oh wait, it was in the tens column. Yep, that makes a difference. Anyway I’ve corrected it to reflect the real “pounds to go” and the total lost as of this morning. 1.6 lbs gone – happy news, that.

You get it by now: fruits and vegetables are good, red vines and oreos are bad. But stocking the fridge and pantry with the right healthy foods – the ones that give you optimum nutrition – takes reminding. We’re careful about preparing a grocery list based on the menu plan. But I can guarantee that if I don’t prep my snacks ahead of time I will most certainly want junk – it never fails – especially on the ride home from the pool. One of the worst feelings in the world is sitting in my car, feeling hungry, with no healthy food options at hand. A reminder to make sure my healthy foods are ready when I need them!

I had errands to run today, and snacks in the car (an egg and some jerky) but not extra water. At my first stop, I picked up a couple of bottles of water. I need to start keeping a pack of water in the car!

Task for today: bag more almonds, boil eggs.

I was just reading that there are 10 important foods to keep on hand when you’re dieting. Even though I’m using a prescribed menu plan, this is a good reference list of healthy items to have in the cupboard or fridge. All but one of them are on my plan.

1. Yogurt – a super diet food thanks to the fact that it’s both filling and loaded with calcium, potassium and vitamin B!

2. Salmon – optimum nutrition, omega-3’s, and low mercury levels.

3. Egg Whites – you can buy fresh eggs and then take out the yolks for a quick boost of protein in your breakfast, or used the cartoned kind, if that’s easier.

4. Leafy Greens – bring on the salad!

5. Blueberries – another super diet food with antioxidants and an anti-inflammatory.

6. Almonds – reduce bad cholesterol and help with heart health.

7. Apples – fiber! Good for your heart, good for your bones.

8. Tomatoes – an antioxidant, lower your cholesterol, reduce your blood pressure. They suggest using tomato sauce for the biggest bang for your buck.

9. Pomegranate – seeds or juice, help blood flow and reduce levels of bad cholesterol.

10. Oatmeal – a healthy dose of fiber as well as nutrients, such as vitamin E, iron and magnesium.

It all sounds good to me!

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