Diet Log: Day 45
Yes, I want to do better. Since November, my first 20 pounds came off pretty quickly as a direct result of changing my eating habits and getting more exercise. I was hoping that using the menus, tracking my food, controlling portions, and focusing on an increase in movement would let me see the pounds come off.
When I began the 117-pound journey, you may recall I was absolutely strict for the first two weeks, and the pounds did fall away. Then I had some slip-ups. Honestly, I have tried so many times to diet, change my eating habits, and get more exercise … and ultimately always failed miserably. I gained back the weight and more. I just couldn’t seem to get it together for the long haul. There’s a lot of emotion that parallels these experiences, wondering if I will always struggle with this, and why I can’t stay motivated, what is my problem? I’m in week 6 and I have a pretty good idea why I struggle with changing my eating habits (more on this in future blogs). I’m sure some of you will be able relate to my frustrations. I’m always seeking resources and tips, and although this isn’t easy, I’m sticking to it.
I had a good review of my pool workout this morning. My aqua PT wants me to continue going five days a week, but not take off two days in a row. So, I’m thinking I’ll do M, T, Th, F, Sa. I’m not able to start this week, since I have obligations on Saturday. But maybe I’ll go on Sunday? Something to think about. I also will stay in the pool about 10 minutes longer – he gave me some additional exercises and stretches!
My personal physician also wants me to increase my steps. For you 10,000-a-day steppers, I hang my head. It makes me sad to admit, but to avoid high pain levels, I have only managed about 2500 steps per day. It’s really hard to walk more, when walking more aggravates the pain. But I do feel better in general, pain-wise. And I do feel like I’m walking better, more steadily, with less pain. A “walker” friend asked me if I was just getting those steps by my daily routine, or was I walking with intention? I hadn’t really thought about that, but now I’m going to! I’m going to get up every hour (when FtiBit reminds). And I’m going to try to increase my step goals by starting with just +10 steps a day. I know that sounds like nothing, but to me it’s a lot. She would like me to get to 5000 steps a day by the end of July. WiiFit walking … here I come!
I sigh with you about steps. At 2000-2500 I’m ok. At 3000 I can’t sleep for the pain in leg and knees. Went to the Dr yesterday and my blood tests were all o we the map – have to redo since they make no sense at this point. Anyway I did find out that my thyroid is out of whack again – and that is why I suddenly have curly hair! Who knew!? Whine whine – had Rx implant yesterday too so three days of unhappy derrière and two weeks of no swimming and no anything that stresses the implant. As you said – one day at a time. Today just not a forward moving day.
Thyroid issues make your hair curl? I want that! Oh wait, I probably don’t want that. Whine away … I sometimes feel like my blog is one long stream of complaining. And I honestly don’t know how to do more walking unless I take more drugs. Oy.