Day 44 – I’ve Got Good News

Diet Log: Day 44

As you know from yesterday’s blog, I forgot to weigh and was worried about my weigh in, anyway. Well … woot woot … another 1.8 lbs gone! What an unexpected and happy surprise.

I was talking with a friend today at the pool about the accountability of blogging this whole weight loss journey. Even if no-one is reading, I’m still making it public. And honestly, I was very worried about having to admit some level of failure, however brief. That’s probably not a good thing, but the reality of my success will hinge on being honest with myself about what and how I’m doing.

So honestly… I’m still really struggling with staying on the plan. It’s just not coming easily. I really want other foods, other option, and yummy snacks. It’s tough to know that you must stay within your guidelines, or you just won’t get anywhere. And even when I know that, I still want other stuff! Good grief. I know every person who is on a diet experiences this, too. Just wish I had a switch. I remember when my Mom wouldn’t eat, and said she just didn’t feel like it. I could use a little of the “I don’t feel like it” switch I could turn on at will!

One of the many motivational things I’ve read recently, tells me to give myself time to re-learn good eating habits. Well, I’m ready for that to be now! One would think that more than a month in, I’d be there. Also, really eager to be under the 100 mark!

Here’s my ‘check-in’ for today:

  • Really good day at the pool – no pain
  • Started my day with lemon water as promised – although a very funny start (I forgot to bring my car-mug in yesterday, so I carried my warm lemon water in a coffee mug, along with my pool bag, and purse, and keys – in an elevator!)
  • So far, so good on sticking with my menu (would like to try and make it through an entire week with absolutely no cheats – we’ll see)
  • Took a nap (yay!)

Menu Day 13

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