Day 40 – I Can Blog About That

Several times in the past couple of days I’ve said, “ooh, I should blog about that,” or “that’s a great blog topic!” And I often find myself wondering what I might like to blog about today. Yes, I’ve become one of those. I have blog on the brain. I promised myself I would not become obsessed with either the diet or the blog … too late. Now, I’m not a total blogophile, I can walk away … sort of. In fact, you’ll remember I did skip a couple of days – testament to my point. But I do find it more interesting now, to consider how I am experiencing my journey and what it means to me and might mean to you, the reader. I do have those, right? It’s funny how you just put stuff “out there” on your blog, not knowing if anyone reads it. I guess the important part, is that is does matter to me. Every day.

I’m always thinking about motivation and reinforcement. Really, it comes down to that for everyone who tries to make a healthy lifestyle change. It’s an overhall. And it’s so easy to want to just give up. I was visiting with a friend about the little things, beyond the numbers on the scale, that reinforce the positive experience of weight loss. Looking forward to (or fearing) weigh-in day is one thing, but there are others … this brings me to today’s blog topic – my new ‘positives’ list. You’ll recall this was a suggestion from my web review yesterday. I haven’t decided about blogging my movement progress, but looking at the positive changes is, in fact, positive! So here it is.

  • In the past four days, I walked up and down the stairs at the swim center like a normal person (well, practically normal).
  • My clothes are looser, in general.
  • I’ve achieved 2500 steps, four of the last five days.
  • It’s getting easier to tie my shoes.
  • I feel less pain, overall.

Upcoming challenges? Eating out. We have theatre tickets for Saturday and we will have dinner out afterwards. Just have to repeat to myself (with gusto) that I must stick to the plan! It is doable. And it’s also nice to look forward to a meal out.

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