Day 38 – Challenges, Large and Small

Diet Log: Day 38

Eat this, not that … measure, don’t guess … protein, not carbs … so many rules! But that’s the reality of a diet, isn’t it? And certainly critical to my plan, so what’s my thinking today? Challenges. The things I should be doing to improve my opportunity for success … but I’m not. What challenges do I face and how do I face them down?

Eating at the table. Didn’t I just say I was going to have dinner at the table only? That was supposed to start yesterday. And, well … guilty … didn’t do it. But this is another day! Today, I am only going to allow myself to eat dinner while sitting at the table. I can do this.

Zero Distractions. Now about the “no distractions” like keeping the TV, iPhone, and computer out of sight. I’ve read some studies that say we eat more and are less satisfied when we are distracted. Hmmm … not sure I can buy into that just yet, but I will try to eat mindfully, just the same. The challenge? The recommendation is to take a full 30 minutes to eat lunch and dinner. Seriously, I’m going to set a timer, and … okay, okay, I’ll turn off the TV.

Purging every week. No … not that kind – just the pantry. I said I’d get on this, but still haven’t done it. It’s like the joy of tidying up, but for my waistline. The challenge? I’ll start each week by getting a trash bag, going through the fridge and pantry, and throwing out all of the expired foods and junk food I know is not good for my diet! Okay, I’m not going to throw away Carol’s snacks. But I am going to clean and organize, just the same.

Wake-up Water. My diet says to start every morning with a glass of warm lemon water. This is actually one of the top tips for getting a flat belly – because lemons are a diuretic and help diminish bloat. I was really good about this for a while, so now it’s time to renew. I just need to fix the lemon juice at night then heat the water in the morning while I’m getting ready.

I can do this.

BTW – great day at the pool. Good work, good conversation.

Menu Day 7


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