Day 2 – Stress Eating

Log:  End of Day 2

Feeling: Optimistic

Who knew I would look forward to a bit of blogging? It’s kind of refreshing to just put things out there. You don’t really know if anyone will read it, but you feel like it’s going somewhere. And you don’t feel quite so much like you’re talking to yourself!

Day two has been successful, but first I’ll back up to yesterday. I know tests along the way are to be expected, but on the first day?! I had a technology war with my computer, Quickbooks, our webhost for WMEA, and my inability to stay calm. That has a great deal to do with one of my pain meds, which increases emotions, among other side effects. Anyway, I spent eleven hours alternating between anger and hysteria. Phoned and live-chatted with six different tech “experts.” And at eight last night, after tears and rants (and poor Carol wondering what to do with me), I put it to bed – told the tech I simply couldn’t think about it anymore. Magically, at 8:57 this morning, a tech who spoke my language (everything is broken), gave me a step-by-step to get the website back up and running. On to Quickbooks “help,” and yes, the customer service technician was able to remotely find the problem, fix it, and reinstall the back-up. 10:39, and all is well. Whew.

So, why did I tell you all of that? Because I WANTED TO EAT!!! Serious frustration snack attacks throughout the day. But I stayed the course, with the exception of one extra bag of regular jerkey = 90 calories. Not so bad, really. I have a little leeway of 100 calories each day, so I used it!

On to today … Day two of the 488 day journey.  Does 16 months sound better?

One of the advantages of this diet (yes, I’m willing to use the d-word) is that I eat about every 2½ hours. I’m pretty sure that much of my desire to eat is not actually hunger, it’s really just habit. So this evens things out nicely, and I don’t have to look too far forward for my next bit of happy eating. The disadvantages? It’s a little boring. And I do crave things. Managing that part is my biggest challenge.

There are some nearly unlimited foods – like lettuce. Yay!! In some other life I was a rabbit. Love those leafy greens. Well not ALL leafy greens – don’t even try to talk me into kale. Not a big fan of endive, either. But stack some romaine on my plate, and I’m happy. Salad is part of the diet twice a day, and I may eat up to three cups of lettuce each time. That’s a good filler! I don’t always eat that much, but it’s good to know. Salads may also have 1 cup of additional veggies – carrots, beans, tomatoes, celery, or whatever you like to add to your lettuce. I’m in a happy place.

Interested in the Day 2 menu?

Breakfast – a banana, ½ bagel with preserves

Snack – 2 low-fat oatmeal cookies (I use Kashi – very yummy)

Lunch – ½ bagel with 1 tsp cream cheese (flavored is okay) and a salad

Snack – fruit smoothie (not a traditional smoothie, but very satisfying)

Dinner – fish, mixed veggies, salad

Snack – mini-omelet (made with egg whites)

BTW – I’m going to weigh only once each week. There are differing opinions as to which is better, daily or less frequent. But I need to SEE the loss. It’s possible to go up and down in a week, so the end result is what I’m looking for. Since I began with the “117 pound” journey, I’ll keep you posted. Some of you know how much I weigh, but I’m not sure I want to put that out there just yet. I will, however, let you know at the end. Then you can figure out where I started!

BTW2 – I’m pretty savvy with WordPress, but apparently not savvy enough to figure out why the comment option is not appearing in my blog. I’ll figure it out later …