Day 7 – Post Travel Insights

Log: Day 7

Everything in life is a learning experience – some easy, some hard. What I learned yesterday, after a 5-hour meeting and 5-hour drive? I don’t do well in the car when I’m tired and a little grumpy. Fortunately, I only packed what I was supposed to snack. So I did well on the first leg. But on my fuel stop coming home, I picked up a couple of extras (jerky and trail mix). Don’t quite know how to manage this aspect of dieting. So, sadly, my calorie count was over the limit for the day. Not horribly over, but too much just the same.

Today? Back on track. Keeping momentum for the long haul of a diet with the amount of pounds I want to lose will not be easy. At the moment, I am feeling highly motivated. I look forward to checking out my day’s menu. I’m looking forward to a weigh-in tomorrow. I enjoy giving thought to my next blog. Perhaps being hopeful is one of the important parts of implementing my plan. I apologize that all of it – my talking about diet, and blogging about diet, and obsessing about diet – seems really self-absorbed. Truthfully, when I decided to blog, it was about staying motivated. And maybe motivating others. But now I realize that getting my feelings out is really helpful.

Read on!