Day 10 – Supplements

Log: Day 10

Supplement 1 – the menus

As I mentioned yesterday, I decided to put the days menus online, just in case anyone wanted to see what I’d be having that day (see link below). But I’ll probably chat about some aspects of the menu … like today. I love the munchies. Not the kinds where you have overwhelming need to snack, but the kind that is on today’s menu. A great combination of flavor and crunch. It’s my favorite snack (see second link).

Supplement 2 – the supplements

Just about every diet I’ve ever been on suggests taking certain supplements. Some are extensive and some minimal. This one, as well. I take calcium with breakfast, then a multivitamin and an antioxidant with dinner.  I take an additional calcium before bed ( to offset non-milk products). I also take some other herbal supplements for health support not related to the dietary needs of this plan.  I think it’s important if you’re going to consider a limited calorie intake.

Supplement 3 – the recipes

Many of the items listed on my menu have a related recipe about preparing that particular item.  You don’t necessarily need to be on a diet to enjoy some of these. I’ll try to add as I go through the days. Many repeat, of course. So … new section of the blog … “recipes.”

Day 10 Menu

Munchies Recipe