Day 14 – Mother’s Day

Log: Day 14

Missing my Mom today, and wishing I could talk to her about my journey. I used to call my Mom anytime I was on the road. We would chat about everything and nothing. It’s been almost four years, but anytime I drive any distance I still think, “I should call Mom and tell her …” And she would be proud of me for trying to lose weight. My weight was long a concern of hers, and I think she would be glad that I’m finally doing this.

This is a picture of Mom with her great-granddaughter. It was a very sweet moment and nice memory.

Today’s menu has some of my favorite foods. These days are nice because I look forward to everything. I’m taking it easy today – no great inspirations – just a relaxing Sunday. I made fresh “munchies.” The recipe makes several servings, so I just store it in a zip-lock bag.

I also enjoy it when my afternoon snack is a “fruit.” Which means I can choose whatever I’m in the mood for … an apple, pear, orange, berries, or grapes. Because fish can get pretty old, we try to mix that up as much as possible. Today it’s stuffed salmon. A little more calorie intake, but worth it!

P.S. weigh-in tomorrow 😉