Day 19 – a Day Late

Log: Day 19

Yes, I’m blogging for yesterday. Yesterday … a generally odd day. First, I thought we were going to have lots of snow and bad roads, so I slept in. But no … no bad roads, just wet and cold. Sadly, of course, this means I missed the pool two days in a row (and that will go on until Tuesday, details later).

In deciding to blog the truth of my diet travels, I’ve discovered that I have to handle guilt differently. I’m pretty guilt-driven in general. It’s a Catholic thing. But the truth is, I seem to need small cheats much more than I should. There are so many “shoulds” in dieting!! And didn’t I just say in my last blog, that this has to be about getting healthy, not just losing weight? But how do I do that? Right now, the reward IS the scale. Maybe that will change?

Anyway, about yesterday. After breakfast, Carol and I decided to try and do some furniture shopping. When we moved here we struggled to find furniture we liked for our living room. So now we’re searching again. We headed to Woodley’s (we’ve been to several other stores already). Found something we liked, but not exactly what we like. By then it was lunchtime and we chose Panera. I like that Panera posts the calories for their menu items. Soup and salad, good choices, but I also opted to eat my baguette. Not a good choice. I am seriously bread needy.

There’s more . . .